you are seeing the checkerboard-like appearance on some of the fabrics because the tiling wasn’t selected properly.

This is caused by the current selection of the tile including uneven lighting, colors or warped weavings.

Although this fabric looks and usually considered “plain” by most people but technically it really isn’t that "plain" considering there are many uneven lighting, coloring or weaves. When the selected tile with these characteristics are replicated, they become a checkerboard.
There are 2 possible solutions to it:
a) reselect the tile area that has more even lighting, colors and weaves. In this case, we select the smallest tile with each corner in the center of 4 adjacent white dots

b) Use the AI Texture feature to upload a scanned image up to the size of an A3 paper, then select the entire area to be the tile. When the tile area is large like this, the checks wouldn’t seem so pronounced. If the checks are still an issue, you can try having the image photoshopped to smoothen out these visual unevenness before you have it uploaded through AI Texture
Original scanned image:

The tile selection:

The 3D visualization with checks:

The Photoshop Hack:
- The Curves tool (learn more about this function here)

- Levels tool (learn more about this function here)

The Result (Left: Color Range + Curve + Level vs. Right: Original):

Adjusted Image:

Select the right tiles on Scanatic™ Nuno3D Services (Scanatic™ for Fashion Portal -> Menu -> Fabric)

The 3D visualization:

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